The Escapist's Team Fortress 2 Tournament - Winners Announced!


It was a granitelike fought combat with 64 teams and a competition spanning multiple weeks in The Escapist's first ever Team up Fort 2 Tournament. But we finally bear our champions and the favourable, or maybe we should say skilled, winners of the Razer Respect Packs!

Congrats to first place winners, Emphasise, played by Cyzer, Labhoix, Saber07, Written,Destro-! Each team member volition be receiving a Razer Prize Clique that includes: DeathAdder, Lycosa, Genus Odontaspis and Goliathus.

Simply wait, there are 3 more teams that Razer is draw upwards with prizes based on their exceptional play!

In 2nd Set up, Flying Spaghetti Monster, played away Alexwut, Justin_, Lopert, Higgins, P0key, WHO will all atomic number 4 receiving: DeathAdder, Goliathus and Carcharias.

Coming in at 3rd Seat, Raged Gaming, with squad members Stamjallyfish, Noun, Notor, Whizzlur, Sherrr will also receive a Lycosa.

And rounding it out is 4th Place squad Soviet Galactic Union! Zensige, SPav730, Snakemt2, Demonic, Baskototiea leave from each one get their own Goliathus.

We rattling enjoyed hosting this upshot. We want to hand over A Large thanks to Razer for all their support and the amazing prize packages provided to the winners.

Keep checking back with The Escapist for more fun events! For the final bracket visit HERE!


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